The Galatians Series

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month join us at 7 PM  for a Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.”

The Galatians Series

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month join us at 7 PM  for a Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.”

The Galatians Series

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month join us at 7 PM  for a Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.”

The Galatians Series

Join us for a new Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.” We would love to see you every Wednesday at 7 PM!

The Galatians Series

Join us for a new Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.” We would love to see you every Wednesday at 7 PM!  We kickoff the Series Nov 15th and it will run through January 2024.

The Galatians Series Kickoff

Join us for a new Series titled, “Galatians: In It’s World, Our World Today, & Tomorrow’s World.” We would love to see you every Wednesday at 7 PM!  We kickoff the Series Nov 15th and it will run through January 2024.

5 Fresh Foundations (A Dive Into Genesis) Finale

Wednesday evening ends a 5-week study that follows 5 of the most important stories in the Bible. Join us at 7 PM as we gain fresh perspective and dive into the book of Genesis!

5 Fresh Foundations (A Dive Into Genesis) Kickoff

Wednesday evening kicks off a 5-week study that follows 5 of the most important stories in the Bible. Join us at 7 PM as we gain fresh perspective and dive into the book of Genesis!

What Lies Have You Swallowed? Wednesday Night Series Finale

Join us Wednesdays at 7 PM for the Series, “What Lies Have You Swallowed?”  Series runs from July 19th  – August 23rd, 2023.

What Lies Have You Swallowed? Wednesday Night Series

Join us Wednesdays at 7 PM for the Series, “What Lies Have You Swallowed?”  Series runs from July 19th  – August 23rd, 2023.